(Columbia and Stanford University in Collaboration with SJ&DI & MZP )

Columbia University leh  Stanford University a researcher te chu  SJ&DI leh Mizo Zirlai Pawl nen a tang dun in mizo  thalaite tan   Hospitality Industry(hotel+restaurant) a thawk thei turin free training  an  buatsaih dawn a. Training zo te hi Nov-Dec ah International Level  company a representative te Aizawl ah lo kalin interview an rawn neih  pui dawn a, heta  tlingte hian  Gulf Countries ah hna an hmu nghal dawn ani. He program hi New York University-Abu Dhabi in a  an sponsor a ni.

Registration hi August ni 17  thleng, SJ&DI office  or Mizo Zirlai Pawl  office ah 10am-4pm inkar ah a tih theih e.


SJ&DI, 3rd Floor Lalhmingliana Building

Canteen Kual, Dawrpui Aizawl

Ph: 0389 2327641 / 8837322885 / 9612857754