The objectives of MZP included the unity of the Mizo students and to safeguard their shares and rights. MZP strives to build up students for the nation and also encouraged them to respect the manual labour and any good position of Mizo life style. MZP attempts to protect the Mizo against assimilation. 

Other objectives are to help the state for the development of the country, to resist corruption and selfishness, to prevent the down fall of the Mizo community, to unite all Mizo tribes and place the contiguous areas occupied by their forefathers under one administrative unit.

From its inception to 1970s, MZP kept in mind their policy to help government for the progress and development of Mizoram administration. During this period there was no important students’ activity in opposing government policies. The influence of MNF politics was in the mind of students during the latter parts of 1970s to the first half of 1980s.

The MZP is meant to safeguard the rights of Mizo students as one of their objectives, and do their level best for the welfare of the students. Almost every year they used to watch and see technical entrance examination and the result, and pressed the government to serve their interest. 

The motto is Ṭanrual hi chakna (lit. Union is strength) and the theme (thuvawn) is Serve for Mizo Nation (Mizo zirlaite kan ram leh hnam tan). The main aims is 'to prepare all Zohnahthlâk people to be valuable citizens for the Mizo nation and Zoram ' and 'to help the government in the development of Zoram and Mizo nation'. The following are some of the main aims and objectives:
  1. To safeguard the rights and unity of all Mizo students
  2. To prepare Mizo people to become helpful citizens of Zoram
  3. To do its best to unite all Mizo people and create an independent Mizo state out of all the territories historically occupied by Mizo peoples.
  4. To prevent and attack corruption in Mizoram
  5. To conserve traditional Mizo values.